Posters provide a unique opportunity to share valuable new ideas, eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work, and foster discussions and collaborations among colleagues.
A Poster is a concise report of recent findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the INTERACT community.
The difference between Poster and other contribution types (e.g. Full or Short papers) is that Poster submissions represent work that has not reached a level of completion that would warrant the full refereed selection process. That said, appropriate submissions should contribute to the body of HCI knowledge, whether realized or promised.
Summaries of completed work or reduced versions of short or full paper submissions are inappropriate as a Poster submission.
Submissions may include, but are not limited to, the following types of work:
- Evaluations of systems, techniques, practices or other phenomena relevant to HCI.
- Descriptions of new methods, processes, techniques, or tools for use in interactive system design, development or deployment.
- Reflections from practice, including lessons learned or principles derived from real-world experiences and backed by thought-provoking and well-substantiated analyses.
- Accounts of the design (rationale, process, outcomes and/or evaluation) of innovative applications, user interfaces, or systems.
Submissions for Posters are invited on any of the conference topics, including but not limited to:
- Methods and Tools for Interface and Interaction Design, Modelling, and Evaluation including:
- Accessibility
- Affective HCI, Emotion, Motivational Aspects
- Evaluation Methods / Usability Evaluation
- Human Error and Safety
- Human Factors and HCI
- Methodologies for HCI
- Mobility / Mobile Accessibility / Mobile Devices
- Model-Based Design of Interactive Systems
- Personalization
- Tools for Design, Modelling, Evaluation
- Usability
- User Experience-Based Approaches
- User Modelling
- Visualisation Techniques
- Cross-Cultural and Social Issues including:
- Developing Local Content or Interaction Design Capacity
- Ethical aspects of Interaction
- HCI for an aging population
- HCI for cultural heritage
- HCI for culture
- HCI for Offshore Software Development
- HCI for sustainability
- ICT in Social Development – Interaction Design for Developing Regions
- International and Cultural Aspects of HCI
- Specific Application Areas including:
- Adaptive Interfaces
- Aesthetics in HCI
- Augmented Reality and Tangible User Interfaces
- Child-Computer Interaction
- Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
- Context-Dependent Systems
- End-User Development and Adaptation
- Exertion Interfaces and Exergames
- HCI and Web 2.0
- HCI Education and Curriculum
- HCI in Healthcare and Wellbeing
- HCI in Software / Enterprise Engineering
- HCI in the pandemic
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Human-Work Interaction Design
- Interaction with Small or Large Displays
- Interactive Recommender Systems
- Interactive Surfaces and Tabletops
- Multimedia Interaction
- Multi-Modal Interfaces
- Multi-User Interaction / Cooperation
- Novel User Interfaces and Interaction Techniques
- Social Media / Social Networks
- Ubiquitous and Context-Aware Computing
- Usable Privacy and Security
- User Interfaces for e-Government
- User Interfaces for Safety Critical Systems
- User Interfaces for Web Applications
- User-centric Explainable AI
Poster submissions should report original work and must not have been published previously. Poster submissions are juried by an international panel of experts.
Poster papers will appear in the INTERACT 2021 conference proceedings.
If you require any further information please contact the Poster CoChairs:
Maristella Matera, Kent Norman, Anna Spagnolli
Email: posters[at]
Submission: 16 April 2021, 5pm/17:00 (PST)
Notification: 28 May 2021
Camera-Ready: 11 June 2021
Reviewing process: juried
Anonymous submission: No
No. of pages: 4 + 1 (4 pages extended abstract, including references, in LNCS format + a visual poster draft resized to one A4 page)
Online Submission: PCS Submission System
Proceedings: Springer LNCS Series
Posters are considered for the IFIP TC13 Awards.
Poster submissions must consist of two related documents:
- A poster extended abstract, submitted as a PDF file, formatted according to Springer LNCS format. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, to prepare their papers. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf. Poster extended abstract should be camera-ready and thoroughly copy-edited. Poster submissions need not be anonymous. Accepted poster extended abstracts will be published in Springer LNCS Series.
- An electronic version of the poster that you will present at the conference. For the review process, your poster should be reduced to one standard page in size (A4) and submitted as a PDF file. Please note that the physical posters presented at the conference may not be larger than A1 format.
Posters may optionally be accompanied by a video not exceeding 30 MB in size.
Due to the short review cycle, there should be nearly no changes between your submission and the camera-ready final document, except in rare circumstances.
Both the poster extended abstract and the poster should communicate:
- A concise description of the work
- Implications of the work for the INTERACT community
Recommendations for further investigation and/or incorporation into practice
Selection Process
Poster submissions will be selected by an anonymous jury. The process has been designed to acknowledge the early-stage nature of the work. All submissions are considered confidential during the review process.
Review Criteria
Each submission will be reviewed on the following criteria:
- Significance: How important is the problem or question that this submission addresses? How important is the output of this work in contributing to the identified problem or question? How greatly can others benefit from this work?
- Originality: How novel is the contribution? How clearly does the submission communicate the ways that it differs from and goes beyond the most relevant previous work in this area? (Note that for a poster submission, full literature searches are not expected, although the most relevant citations should be included).
- Validity: How appropriate are the chosen methods for the work being undertaken? How well are the submission’s claims and conclusions supported by the results?
- Written Presentation: How clear and understandable is the writing in the poster abstract? To what extent does the poster abstract conform to conference formatting requirements and the 4-page limit?
- Visual Presentation (The Poster): How well does the design of the poster effectively communicate the most important facets of the work? To what degree is the design of the poster likely to draw in an audience?
Ability of the Work to Engender Discussion: To what degree will the presentation of this work stimulate interesting conversation among researchers or practitioners? To what extent will the presenters benefit from being able to discuss their work and receive feedback at this stage?
Upon Acceptance of your submission
Poster authors will be notified of acceptance. If a submission is accepted to appear at the conference, the contact person will receive further instructions regarding the inclusion of their poster abstract in the conference proceedings, as well as instructions for the poster presentation at the conference.
At the Conference
Accepted Posters will be displayed during the conference. Authors will be expected to attend the conference and will be assigned a time and location to present their poster to conference attendees. Authors will be required to set up beforehand and stand with their posters during the assigned time. Those authors who cannot travel due to COVID-19 will be allowed to present and participate remotely in the conference.